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FIXED BUG: Outlook disappears when browsing messages in the Inbox

Posted: Aug 13, 2002
Current CCL Version as of posting:
Updated: Aug 19, 2002
Fixed: Release

In some rare Outlook/Exchange environments, Outlook will crash with no warning or error report when opening a message from the Inbox while the CCL add-in is installed. The behaviour is intermittent, and will only occur after multiple messages have been opened and closed. It seems to be more likely to manifest itself in environments with slow or overloaded Exchange servers.

The following specific sequence of events must occur for this bug to arise:
1) User opens an email message from the Inbox.
2) User closes the message.
3) User selects another message and opens it BEFORE the message has completely been loaded into its "buffer". This will generally only happen for a large message, or one that contains scripting, such as the default welcome message that Outlook puts in the Inbox of new accounts.

The user must restart Outlook and may then continue their work.